Sunday, March 23, 2008
54 Guess Where You''re Going!
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"Guess Where You're Going!"
Before I tell you "Where You're Going", I want to share a story
about someone who went somewhere. Every morning when Ellen Lawson
prayed, she did so by looking at a large postcard showing Christ against a
background of rich gold leaf. She had brought the card with her from the
East to settle in the State of Washington in the West. - enjoying the dramatic
scenery there - snow-capped, Mount St. Helens. When her 19 year old
son visited they decided to hike to some hot springs on Wind River in the
Columbia River Gorge. It was no easy hike. Thirty-foot cliffs dropped
off to the rushing river blow. On their way back down from the springs,
she slipped and fell over one of the cliffs. As she was falling the air
whooshed around her. Looking below her she saw rocks and river.
"I'm going to die" she thought - "either crushed on the ground or
drowning in the cold water. I'm dead, she said.
When she landed, a beautiful golden screen took up her entire
field of vision. Behind it, filtering through, a yellow light. The light glowed,
filling her with inexpressible peace and joy - a light she wanted to be with
forever. Grudgingly, she pulled away from the light to respond to her
son's voice, calling her name. The rescue people were there. She had
landed on rocks but had no spinal injuries. She only had a crushed arm
and other minor injuries.
At home, after it was all over, she kept recalling the brilliant light
she had seen. She sketched the golden screen, and a few days later make
the connection - the gold leaf behind the Christ on the postcard she had
brought with her and which she always focused on during her devotions.
When she was near death - that is what she saw. The overwhelming
peace and joy came from the light around Jesus. She said, "I had been
somewhere at one with a heavenly light."
A Glimpse of Forever - Guideposts
Being at one with a heavenly light is precisely the reason we are
here today - for this is the Body of Christ....the members of the body are
here - we are the hands and feet of the Christ - the eyes and ears - the
heart - and the whole is equal to more than the sum of the parts - the
- in us - ordinary people - extraordinary ordinary people - because we
are strengthened for having come.
Unbeknownst to many, there are many unbeknowns here! "With
angels and archangels and all the company of heaven" we meet here
today. A woman with a very gifted young son - Travis - a dynamic little
boy who had at age 5, asked Jesus to be his personal Savior. His mother
sensed she was to prepare him for something. Instead it seemed he was
preparing her - One night when he finished his prayers, he placed his
hands on her cheeks and said, "I just love you Mommy, I just want
you to know that I love you."
A few days later she awakened before daylight and saw Travis
sitting on his bed - just sitting in the purple predawn. "What's the matter,
Babe" she asked him. "Don't you see them?" He sounded
disappointed. "See what?"
"These two angels." (She saw only the familiar room, but she felt
something extraordinary was pressing in on them.) Some days later, he
insisted on walking to school early - why early - "Because I've got to"
he said, "I've just GOT to." On his way to school the Idaho community
experienced an earthquake and he and his little girl playmate were buried
under rubble and died.
After all the arrangements had been made and everything taken
care of, back home in her living room again, Janet was lifted right out of
the room and placed by a beautiful gate. A cluster of happy people stood
within the gate. In utter amazement she recognized the youthful robust
faces of all of her family and friends who had gone before her. In the
center of all of them - the radiant, light-filled form of Jesus. As she
watched, He stretched out his hands to welcome a child - Travis - who
ran forward and grasped the hand of Jesus, looking up at Him with eager
brown eyes. Then Travis looked at her, saying that nothing could make
him as happy as being where he was. Nothing on earth could compare to
it. Janet tells us: That scene at heaven's threshold is as vivid in each
detail today as in the measureless instant when I was allowed to
see it."
A Glimpse of Forever - Guideposts
There's no need to GUESS WHERE YOU'RE GOING - you
already know. All of us are headed for the Light, but what God wants
you to know today is that the Light is all around and within you - even now
- especially now. People lived in darkness until the light came - Jesus was
the light as prophesied by the Prophet, Isaiah - as quoted in our Scripture
lesson today - Matthew 4:12-23.
There is no better way to find yourself in the Light of Jesus
than by finding and fulfilling your spiritual calling. God has
something special for you to do, otherwise you wouldn't be here.
The Methodist Bishop called a minister acquaintance of mine,
whose seminars on preaching I have enjoyed attending. The Bishop said
to him: GUESS WHERE YOU'RE GOING - telling him that he was
going to be the Dean of the Chapel at Duke University.
Moses, hiding out in Midian because he killed a man back in
Egypt, saw a bush burst into sudden flame and a voice spoke: I AM
(To paraphrase a bit!)
Even though Moses had no theological or oratorical gifts or training,
even though he was scared to death of the mighty Pharaoh, he went to
lead his people out of Egypt. (Exodus 3)
Little boy Samuel, asleep in the middle of the night, hears his name
called. It was God called, but Samuel thought Eli, for whom he worked
was calling him. Three times he went to Eli to say, "You called?" Eli
explained that it was God calling, and that Samuel should say to God:
"Speak, Lord. I am your servant, and I am listening." (I Samuel 3)
If you want to be true to your calling, even if you don't know what
it is (!), you need to say those words: "Speak, Lord. I am your servant,
and I am listening."
What you need to listen for is the voice inside yourself that speaks
to you - you know - the one you would rather not listen to if you can help
it. That's the voice that when others say "who" when some good deed
needs to be done - your voice - God's voice within you says, "You!". "I
should go." The whole universe always waits for your answer.
Isaiah - to put it in modern vernacular - didn't want to go to church
one Sunday. Frankly, he didn't get anything out of the sermons, the music
was to hi-falutin - never could stand Johan Sebastian - but his mother
made him go. Scooched down in the pew, hoping to get in and get out -
after all, he could legitimately leave after two thirds of the service was
complete - there was a loud rumble, the sanctuary was cast in a smoky
kind of light and a voice said, - Who shall we send - who will go for
us.....and Isaiah, crouching still lower, said, Not me, Lord. I swear!
And I run around with a lot of people who swear too - I'm part of
perverse generation of which I am the "perversist!"
Only with a little divine intervention did he get his tongue cleansed
and his vision cleared. He said, Here am I. Send me. ( Isaiah 6)
If you start listening daily and develop a pattern of hearing the
voice and responding, you're in for a treat. Scientists have just discovered
that doing what we know to be right really makes us feel good. No
Doing what we know within us is right and what God wants us to
do is paramount to peace within your life. Your heart will be restless and
the only way beyond the restlessness is by listening and responding to the
Voice - heading not away from but IN TO the Light. No need to guess
where you're going.
We all survive death - We couldn't get out of life dead if we tried.
Our bodies, yes, but we ourselves - no. We are spirit - We were - we
are and we will be.
The only really important thing to do in life is to connect our Spirit
CHRIST - WITH GOD. And our connection is not vague and ephemeral,
but quite pragmatic and personal.
We make the God connection by really caring for and helping the
people around us. We connect with God when we stand on the shore of
the mighty ocean and marvel at its rhythm, its power - its aroma.
We "see the light" make the connection of our Spirit with God's
spirit when we seek to help the helpless - children, animals, God's creatures
of every kind - up to and including - yes - you got it - cockroaches.
(You've got to admire them - they've been around longer than anybody.)
If you go to Galilee today they will show you a boat that might
have belonged to Andrew and Peter or perhaps the Zebedee family. In
one of the most remarkable archaeological finds anywhere in the Holy
Land which is full of them, a boat was found sticking out of the mud one
summer when the level of the Sea of Galilee dropped dramatically in a
period of dry weather. With great care it was lifted clear of the sea bottom,
cleaned and preserved. Now in a special exhibit, millions of visitors can
see the sort of boat Jesus first followers used for fishing. It has been
carbon-dated to exactly the period of Jesus' life.
The boat is a vivid reminder of the day to day existence of his
followers and of what it cost them to give it all up and follow Jesus. So
why did they give up a prosperous business to follow an itinerant preacher?
Why do you give up your precious time to come here? Why do people in
the millions regularly change their priorities and begin to walk with Christ?
The answer is in Jesus himself - in the astonishing magnetism of His Presence
and Personality. We come here because here we feel Him close to us.
Here we can pray to know him better. In this place we can hear Him
calling us.
Sometimes His call comes slowly, starting like a faint murmur and
growing until we can no longer ignore it. Sometimes he calls people as
suddenly and dramatically as he called Peter and Andrew, James and
Then you find yourself fishing for people just as our Scripture said
(Matthew 4:19) "Follow Me and I will make you fish for people."
Sermon Notes(Not edited nor proofed)The Rev. Dr. Garth R. Thompson Pastor, M.B. Community ChurchA sermon is a simple truth told by someone whobelieves it to people he knows and loves (Phillips Brooks)January 27, 2008 10:30 a, m. Matthew 4:12-23
May the words of my mouth and the meditations of our heartsbe acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, our strength and our redeemer.
"Guess Where You're Going!"
Before I tell you "Where You're Going", I want to share a story
about someone who went somewhere. Every morning when Ellen Lawson
prayed, she did so by looking at a large postcard showing Christ against a
background of rich gold leaf. She had brought the card with her from the
East to settle in the State of Washington in the West. - enjoying the dramatic
scenery there - snow-capped, Mount St. Helens. When her 19 year old
son visited they decided to hike to some hot springs on Wind River in the
Columbia River Gorge. It was no easy hike. Thirty-foot cliffs dropped
off to the rushing river blow. On their way back down from the springs,
she slipped and fell over one of the cliffs. As she was falling the air
whooshed around her. Looking below her she saw rocks and river.
"I'm going to die" she thought - "either crushed on the ground or
drowning in the cold water. I'm dead, she said.
When she landed, a beautiful golden screen took up her entire
field of vision. Behind it, filtering through, a yellow light. The light glowed,
filling her with inexpressible peace and joy - a light she wanted to be with
forever. Grudgingly, she pulled away from the light to respond to her
son's voice, calling her name. The rescue people were there. She had
landed on rocks but had no spinal injuries. She only had a crushed arm
and other minor injuries.
At home, after it was all over, she kept recalling the brilliant light
she had seen. She sketched the golden screen, and a few days later make
the connection - the gold leaf behind the Christ on the postcard she had
brought with her and which she always focused on during her devotions.
When she was near death - that is what she saw. The overwhelming
peace and joy came from the light around Jesus. She said, "I had been
somewhere at one with a heavenly light."
A Glimpse of Forever - Guideposts
Being at one with a heavenly light is precisely the reason we are
here today - for this is the Body of Christ....the members of the body are
here - we are the hands and feet of the Christ - the eyes and ears - the
heart - and the whole is equal to more than the sum of the parts - the
- in us - ordinary people - extraordinary ordinary people - because we
are strengthened for having come.
Unbeknownst to many, there are many unbeknowns here! "With
angels and archangels and all the company of heaven" we meet here
today. A woman with a very gifted young son - Travis - a dynamic little
boy who had at age 5, asked Jesus to be his personal Savior. His mother
sensed she was to prepare him for something. Instead it seemed he was
preparing her - One night when he finished his prayers, he placed his
hands on her cheeks and said, "I just love you Mommy, I just want
you to know that I love you."
A few days later she awakened before daylight and saw Travis
sitting on his bed - just sitting in the purple predawn. "What's the matter,
Babe" she asked him. "Don't you see them?" He sounded
disappointed. "See what?"
"These two angels." (She saw only the familiar room, but she felt
something extraordinary was pressing in on them.) Some days later, he
insisted on walking to school early - why early - "Because I've got to"
he said, "I've just GOT to." On his way to school the Idaho community
experienced an earthquake and he and his little girl playmate were buried
under rubble and died.
After all the arrangements had been made and everything taken
care of, back home in her living room again, Janet was lifted right out of
the room and placed by a beautiful gate. A cluster of happy people stood
within the gate. In utter amazement she recognized the youthful robust
faces of all of her family and friends who had gone before her. In the
center of all of them - the radiant, light-filled form of Jesus. As she
watched, He stretched out his hands to welcome a child - Travis - who
ran forward and grasped the hand of Jesus, looking up at Him with eager
brown eyes. Then Travis looked at her, saying that nothing could make
him as happy as being where he was. Nothing on earth could compare to
it. Janet tells us: That scene at heaven's threshold is as vivid in each
detail today as in the measureless instant when I was allowed to
see it."
A Glimpse of Forever - Guideposts
There's no need to GUESS WHERE YOU'RE GOING - you
already know. All of us are headed for the Light, but what God wants
you to know today is that the Light is all around and within you - even now
- especially now. People lived in darkness until the light came - Jesus was
the light as prophesied by the Prophet, Isaiah - as quoted in our Scripture
lesson today - Matthew 4:12-23.
There is no better way to find yourself in the Light of Jesus
than by finding and fulfilling your spiritual calling. God has
something special for you to do, otherwise you wouldn't be here.
The Methodist Bishop called a minister acquaintance of mine,
whose seminars on preaching I have enjoyed attending. The Bishop said
to him: GUESS WHERE YOU'RE GOING - telling him that he was
going to be the Dean of the Chapel at Duke University.
Moses, hiding out in Midian because he killed a man back in
Egypt, saw a bush burst into sudden flame and a voice spoke: I AM
(To paraphrase a bit!)
Even though Moses had no theological or oratorical gifts or training,
even though he was scared to death of the mighty Pharaoh, he went to
lead his people out of Egypt. (Exodus 3)
Little boy Samuel, asleep in the middle of the night, hears his name
called. It was God called, but Samuel thought Eli, for whom he worked
was calling him. Three times he went to Eli to say, "You called?" Eli
explained that it was God calling, and that Samuel should say to God:
"Speak, Lord. I am your servant, and I am listening." (I Samuel 3)
If you want to be true to your calling, even if you don't know what
it is (!), you need to say those words: "Speak, Lord. I am your servant,
and I am listening."
What you need to listen for is the voice inside yourself that speaks
to you - you know - the one you would rather not listen to if you can help
it. That's the voice that when others say "who" when some good deed
needs to be done - your voice - God's voice within you says, "You!". "I
should go." The whole universe always waits for your answer.
Isaiah - to put it in modern vernacular - didn't want to go to church
one Sunday. Frankly, he didn't get anything out of the sermons, the music
was to hi-falutin - never could stand Johan Sebastian - but his mother
made him go. Scooched down in the pew, hoping to get in and get out -
after all, he could legitimately leave after two thirds of the service was
complete - there was a loud rumble, the sanctuary was cast in a smoky
kind of light and a voice said, - Who shall we send - who will go for
us.....and Isaiah, crouching still lower, said, Not me, Lord. I swear!
And I run around with a lot of people who swear too - I'm part of
perverse generation of which I am the "perversist!"
Only with a little divine intervention did he get his tongue cleansed
and his vision cleared. He said, Here am I. Send me. ( Isaiah 6)
If you start listening daily and develop a pattern of hearing the
voice and responding, you're in for a treat. Scientists have just discovered
that doing what we know to be right really makes us feel good. No
Doing what we know within us is right and what God wants us to
do is paramount to peace within your life. Your heart will be restless and
the only way beyond the restlessness is by listening and responding to the
Voice - heading not away from but IN TO the Light. No need to guess
where you're going.
We all survive death - We couldn't get out of life dead if we tried.
Our bodies, yes, but we ourselves - no. We are spirit - We were - we
are and we will be.
The only really important thing to do in life is to connect our Spirit
CHRIST - WITH GOD. And our connection is not vague and ephemeral,
but quite pragmatic and personal.
We make the God connection by really caring for and helping the
people around us. We connect with God when we stand on the shore of
the mighty ocean and marvel at its rhythm, its power - its aroma.
We "see the light" make the connection of our Spirit with God's
spirit when we seek to help the helpless - children, animals, God's creatures
of every kind - up to and including - yes - you got it - cockroaches.
(You've got to admire them - they've been around longer than anybody.)
If you go to Galilee today they will show you a boat that might
have belonged to Andrew and Peter or perhaps the Zebedee family. In
one of the most remarkable archaeological finds anywhere in the Holy
Land which is full of them, a boat was found sticking out of the mud one
summer when the level of the Sea of Galilee dropped dramatically in a
period of dry weather. With great care it was lifted clear of the sea bottom,
cleaned and preserved. Now in a special exhibit, millions of visitors can
see the sort of boat Jesus first followers used for fishing. It has been
carbon-dated to exactly the period of Jesus' life.
The boat is a vivid reminder of the day to day existence of his
followers and of what it cost them to give it all up and follow Jesus. So
why did they give up a prosperous business to follow an itinerant preacher?
Why do you give up your precious time to come here? Why do people in
the millions regularly change their priorities and begin to walk with Christ?
The answer is in Jesus himself - in the astonishing magnetism of His Presence
and Personality. We come here because here we feel Him close to us.
Here we can pray to know him better. In this place we can hear Him
calling us.
Sometimes His call comes slowly, starting like a faint murmur and
growing until we can no longer ignore it. Sometimes he calls people as
suddenly and dramatically as he called Peter and Andrew, James and
Then you find yourself fishing for people just as our Scripture said
(Matthew 4:19) "Follow Me and I will make you fish for people."
Sermon Notes(Not edited nor proofed)The Rev. Dr. Garth R. Thompson Pastor, M.B. Community ChurchA sermon is a simple truth told by someone whobelieves it to people he knows and loves (Phillips Brooks)January 27, 2008 10:30 a, m. Matthew 4:12-23
May the words of my mouth and the meditations of our heartsbe acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, our strength and our redeemer.
52 Sermon
Sermon text unavailable. We apologize for the inconvenience.
The Rev. Dr. Garth R. Thompson Pastor, M.B. Community ChurchA sermon is a simple truth told by someone whobelieves it to people he knows and loves (Phillips Brooks)January 13th, 2008 10:30 a.m.
May the words of my mouth and the meditations of our heartsbe acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, our strength and our redeemer.
The Rev. Dr. Garth R. Thompson Pastor, M.B. Community ChurchA sermon is a simple truth told by someone whobelieves it to people he knows and loves (Phillips Brooks)January 13th, 2008 10:30 a.m.
May the words of my mouth and the meditations of our heartsbe acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, our strength and our redeemer.
50 Sermon
Sermon text unavailable. We apologize for the inconvenience.
The Rev. Dr. Garth R. Thompson Pastor, M.B. Community ChurchA sermon is a simple truth told by someone whobelieves it to people he knows and loves (Phillips Brooks)January 6th, 2008 10:30 a.m.
May the words of my mouth and the meditations of our heartsbe acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, our strength and our redeemer.
49 Danger! Baby On Board!
Audio unavailable. We apologize for the inconvenience.
"Danger! Baby on Board!"
The Rev. Tom Wright was preaching at a big, magnificently well
attended Christmas service. In attendance was a well known historian,
famous for his skepticism toward Christianity. Afterwards, he approached
Rev. Wright all smiles: "I've finally worked it out", he declared, "why
people like Christmas: A baby threatens no one, so the whole thing
is a happy event that means nothing at all!"
How would you respond to that supposition? I'm sure you would
like to hear how the Reverend responded: I was dumbfounded! At the
heart of the Christmas story in Matthew's Gospel is a baby who
poses such a threat to the most powerful man around that he kills a
whole village full of other babies in order to try to get rid of
him....Whatever else you say about Jesus, from his birth onward,
people certainly found him a threat. He upset their power
arrangements, and suffered the usual fate of people who do that.
In fact, the shadow of the cross falls over the story from
that moment on. Jesus is born with a price on his head. Plots are
hatched; angels have to warn Joseph; they only just escape from
Bethlehem in time. Herod the Great, who thought nothing of killing
members of his own family, including his own beloved wife, when
he suspected her of scheming against him, and who gave orders
when dying that the leading citizens of Jericho should be slaughtered
so that people would be weeping at his funeral - this Herod would
not bat an eyelid at the thought of killing lots of little babies in case
one of them should be regarded as a royal pretender. As Herod's
power had increased so had his paranoia - a familiar progression
as dictators around the world have shown from that day to this.
The Gospel of Jesus the Messiah was born in a land and at
a time of trouble, tension, violence and fear. Banish all thoughts of
peaceful Christmas scenes. Before the "prince of peace" had
learned to walk and talk, he was a homeless refugee with a price
on his head." Why? Because the world's most powerful man feared
that if he were allowed to grow to manhood, he would go about preaching.
Preachers are dangerous.
Not all that long ago, I went to Cuba. I needed to go for personal
reasons, and I was allowed to go - licensed to go - by taking medical
supplies for the handicapped which we delivered on arrival - we being
my friend Paul, a Canadian and Paul, who at that time was the head of
Social Security in our area, and his wife. Neither Paul was interrogated,
but I was as we prepared to leave - "What churches had I visited? With
what clergymen had I met?" - the same questions over and over again.
(The closest I had come, was stepping into the Cathedral) - as did my
traveling companions - but I was the dangerous one - a preacher.
The problem with preachers is they use words. Words are what
worry those in power. Speak out for what threatens those in power and
you're in trouble - your life is in danger - it may be taken, as was the life of
Prime Minister Bhutto.
Joseph and Mary, fearing for the life of their infant Son, fled to
Egypt, becoming refugees.
This ancient story is all too familiar in our world today. There are
something like 50 million refugees around our world today - crowded into
terrible conditions, fearing for their lives. In Sudan, the Sahara, in Malaysia,
in Jesus' own homeland, millions who are homeless, jobless, and hopeless.
Kind Herod could tell a threat to his power when he met one.
This little baby brought a new Kingdom, a new rule, a different sort of
sovereignty. After the arrival of the Baby, nothing is ever the same again.
After welcoming Him into our world, there is no going back to
normalcy. The arrival of ANY child makes that happen. I love to watch
the real estate shows that depict people looking for houses. More often
than not, it's to get greater space to accommodate the new arrival.
Will Willimon from whom I get illustrations for sermons told of
getting a phone call from someone he knew only casually - a distinguished
business person in the southern community who Will had met in discussions
relating to making their city schools more racially diverse. The business
man was not in favor of any such thing and let everyone know it. Now the
phone call. He wanted Will to get other Pastors and himself to support a
neighborhood center he had adopted - a center that works with mostly
minority young people. The surprise showed in Will's voice: "What
happened?" he asked. The business man said that he had had a rather
remarkable experience a couple of years before. "I met Christ. He
made me take a hard, hones look at my life and I didn't like what I
saw. I had to make a move. I'm not the same person I was just a
few years ago. I'm not living in the same place in the world. Through
the love of Jesus, I've made a move."
Since Jesus was born among us, little is the same. We can't get
back to normal. But we sure try! We have to be urged to move - to act
- to speak for the principles of the Christ Child - we should have a sign
for ourselves and our cars: DANGER! BABY ON BOARD!
It's time for all the members of the religions of our world to speak
out for the principles of peace and cooperation to which each of them
calls us. John Buchanan, editor/publisher of the Christian Century says
that "A remarkable thing happened this year in the weeks before
Christmas. A letter was written to Christian leaders by 138 Muslim
clerics and scholars representing every branch of Islam. 'A
Common Word Between Us' stated that the peace of the world
depends on peace between Muslims and Christmas, and that love
for God and neighbor is a central tenet of both religions and common
ground on which we stand. 'Our eternal souls are at stake,' the
Islamic leaders wrote.
It's so good to hear someone else say that - I've been saying it for
so long, and it is so encouraging that the same thoughts are coming from
Islamic leaders - representing all of its branches.
Yale Divinity School's Center for Faith and Culture put together a
response that was published in the New York Times on November 18,
expressing gratitude for the letter, asking forgiveness for historical Christian
hostility toward Islam and promising dialogue with Islamic and Jewish
leaders that "seeks the good of the other" and that asks how God "would
have us fulfill the requirement that we love God and one another."
Amid the tranquil scenes on our Christmas cards, we must ask
what God is calling us to do. I love getting Christmas cards. My favorite
was a new version of the 12 days of Christmas - rewritten as A Florida
A seagull in a Palm Tree
Two mouse ears
Three launching shuttles
Four snapping alligators,
Five golden oranges
Six Dolphins Leaping
Seven Flamingos Flocking
Eight Key Lime Pies Baking
Nine manatees munching
Ten Hurricanes blowing
Eleven Tourists Tanning
Twelve Early Birds Dining.
Yes, I love Christmas cards and thank you to all of you who sent me
- and I confess, I can't throw them away - there's something so sacred
and special and powerful in those tranquil scenes - and something so
touching about the letters that are enclosed, catching us up on the family's
progress through life, and we feel connected not only to them - but to the
whole human race - exactly how Jesus wants us to feel.
Then he calls us to act upon our feelings. Exercising our vote is a
major way. I don't know who will get my vote as yet. I just know that
I scan every speech I hear for the word "DIALOGUE" - I'm looking for
the leader who will choose diplomacy over destruction - cooperation over
conflict, peace over war - because that's the way of Jesus - and that is
VERY important to me.
I am so impressed with what our military forces are doing for
peace - the good that they are doing to help the people victimized by war
- particularly the children. Our member, Naval Commander Angie Keith
writes: I can't think of a better way to spend Christmas Eve than by
giving gifts to people who truly need our help. We visited the Kabul
Orthopedic Clinic which fits people with prosthetics, provides rehabilitation,
massage, and mental health treatment, free of charge, to more than 10,000
disabled patients a year. Afghanistan is one of the world's most heavily
mined countries and over 250,000 Afghans suffer from disabilities
associated with mines. Most of the patients we visited were young
amputees or children with other disabilities.
After the clinic we visited the Inderia Gandhi Children's
Hospital...We visited patients with cancer, orthopedic injuries, malnourished
children and the nursery. Between the two locations, we gave away over
200 bags of toys and candy and we put tons of smiles on the children's
faces. It is truly better to give than to receive? I felt like Santa today....We
are making a difference here, one smile at a time.
I feel, I see the Christ Child Smiling. His Gift to the world of
Love is being given - may we all be part of the delivery process. The
baby is coming......the Baby is coming.......DANGER! BABY ON
Sermon Notes(Not edited nor proofed)The Rev. Dr. Garth R. Thompson Pastor, M.B. Community ChurchA sermon is a simple truth told by someone whobelieves it to people he knows and loves (Phillips Brooks)December 30th, 2007 10:30 a, m. Matthew 2:13-23
May the words of my mouth and the meditations of our heartsbe acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, our strength and our redeemer.
"Danger! Baby on Board!"
The Rev. Tom Wright was preaching at a big, magnificently well
attended Christmas service. In attendance was a well known historian,
famous for his skepticism toward Christianity. Afterwards, he approached
Rev. Wright all smiles: "I've finally worked it out", he declared, "why
people like Christmas: A baby threatens no one, so the whole thing
is a happy event that means nothing at all!"
How would you respond to that supposition? I'm sure you would
like to hear how the Reverend responded: I was dumbfounded! At the
heart of the Christmas story in Matthew's Gospel is a baby who
poses such a threat to the most powerful man around that he kills a
whole village full of other babies in order to try to get rid of
him....Whatever else you say about Jesus, from his birth onward,
people certainly found him a threat. He upset their power
arrangements, and suffered the usual fate of people who do that.
In fact, the shadow of the cross falls over the story from
that moment on. Jesus is born with a price on his head. Plots are
hatched; angels have to warn Joseph; they only just escape from
Bethlehem in time. Herod the Great, who thought nothing of killing
members of his own family, including his own beloved wife, when
he suspected her of scheming against him, and who gave orders
when dying that the leading citizens of Jericho should be slaughtered
so that people would be weeping at his funeral - this Herod would
not bat an eyelid at the thought of killing lots of little babies in case
one of them should be regarded as a royal pretender. As Herod's
power had increased so had his paranoia - a familiar progression
as dictators around the world have shown from that day to this.
The Gospel of Jesus the Messiah was born in a land and at
a time of trouble, tension, violence and fear. Banish all thoughts of
peaceful Christmas scenes. Before the "prince of peace" had
learned to walk and talk, he was a homeless refugee with a price
on his head." Why? Because the world's most powerful man feared
that if he were allowed to grow to manhood, he would go about preaching.
Preachers are dangerous.
Not all that long ago, I went to Cuba. I needed to go for personal
reasons, and I was allowed to go - licensed to go - by taking medical
supplies for the handicapped which we delivered on arrival - we being
my friend Paul, a Canadian and Paul, who at that time was the head of
Social Security in our area, and his wife. Neither Paul was interrogated,
but I was as we prepared to leave - "What churches had I visited? With
what clergymen had I met?" - the same questions over and over again.
(The closest I had come, was stepping into the Cathedral) - as did my
traveling companions - but I was the dangerous one - a preacher.
The problem with preachers is they use words. Words are what
worry those in power. Speak out for what threatens those in power and
you're in trouble - your life is in danger - it may be taken, as was the life of
Prime Minister Bhutto.
Joseph and Mary, fearing for the life of their infant Son, fled to
Egypt, becoming refugees.
This ancient story is all too familiar in our world today. There are
something like 50 million refugees around our world today - crowded into
terrible conditions, fearing for their lives. In Sudan, the Sahara, in Malaysia,
in Jesus' own homeland, millions who are homeless, jobless, and hopeless.
Kind Herod could tell a threat to his power when he met one.
This little baby brought a new Kingdom, a new rule, a different sort of
sovereignty. After the arrival of the Baby, nothing is ever the same again.
After welcoming Him into our world, there is no going back to
normalcy. The arrival of ANY child makes that happen. I love to watch
the real estate shows that depict people looking for houses. More often
than not, it's to get greater space to accommodate the new arrival.
Will Willimon from whom I get illustrations for sermons told of
getting a phone call from someone he knew only casually - a distinguished
business person in the southern community who Will had met in discussions
relating to making their city schools more racially diverse. The business
man was not in favor of any such thing and let everyone know it. Now the
phone call. He wanted Will to get other Pastors and himself to support a
neighborhood center he had adopted - a center that works with mostly
minority young people. The surprise showed in Will's voice: "What
happened?" he asked. The business man said that he had had a rather
remarkable experience a couple of years before. "I met Christ. He
made me take a hard, hones look at my life and I didn't like what I
saw. I had to make a move. I'm not the same person I was just a
few years ago. I'm not living in the same place in the world. Through
the love of Jesus, I've made a move."
Since Jesus was born among us, little is the same. We can't get
back to normal. But we sure try! We have to be urged to move - to act
- to speak for the principles of the Christ Child - we should have a sign
for ourselves and our cars: DANGER! BABY ON BOARD!
It's time for all the members of the religions of our world to speak
out for the principles of peace and cooperation to which each of them
calls us. John Buchanan, editor/publisher of the Christian Century says
that "A remarkable thing happened this year in the weeks before
Christmas. A letter was written to Christian leaders by 138 Muslim
clerics and scholars representing every branch of Islam. 'A
Common Word Between Us' stated that the peace of the world
depends on peace between Muslims and Christmas, and that love
for God and neighbor is a central tenet of both religions and common
ground on which we stand. 'Our eternal souls are at stake,' the
Islamic leaders wrote.
It's so good to hear someone else say that - I've been saying it for
so long, and it is so encouraging that the same thoughts are coming from
Islamic leaders - representing all of its branches.
Yale Divinity School's Center for Faith and Culture put together a
response that was published in the New York Times on November 18,
expressing gratitude for the letter, asking forgiveness for historical Christian
hostility toward Islam and promising dialogue with Islamic and Jewish
leaders that "seeks the good of the other" and that asks how God "would
have us fulfill the requirement that we love God and one another."
Amid the tranquil scenes on our Christmas cards, we must ask
what God is calling us to do. I love getting Christmas cards. My favorite
was a new version of the 12 days of Christmas - rewritten as A Florida
A seagull in a Palm Tree
Two mouse ears
Three launching shuttles
Four snapping alligators,
Five golden oranges
Six Dolphins Leaping
Seven Flamingos Flocking
Eight Key Lime Pies Baking
Nine manatees munching
Ten Hurricanes blowing
Eleven Tourists Tanning
Twelve Early Birds Dining.
Yes, I love Christmas cards and thank you to all of you who sent me
- and I confess, I can't throw them away - there's something so sacred
and special and powerful in those tranquil scenes - and something so
touching about the letters that are enclosed, catching us up on the family's
progress through life, and we feel connected not only to them - but to the
whole human race - exactly how Jesus wants us to feel.
Then he calls us to act upon our feelings. Exercising our vote is a
major way. I don't know who will get my vote as yet. I just know that
I scan every speech I hear for the word "DIALOGUE" - I'm looking for
the leader who will choose diplomacy over destruction - cooperation over
conflict, peace over war - because that's the way of Jesus - and that is
VERY important to me.
I am so impressed with what our military forces are doing for
peace - the good that they are doing to help the people victimized by war
- particularly the children. Our member, Naval Commander Angie Keith
writes: I can't think of a better way to spend Christmas Eve than by
giving gifts to people who truly need our help. We visited the Kabul
Orthopedic Clinic which fits people with prosthetics, provides rehabilitation,
massage, and mental health treatment, free of charge, to more than 10,000
disabled patients a year. Afghanistan is one of the world's most heavily
mined countries and over 250,000 Afghans suffer from disabilities
associated with mines. Most of the patients we visited were young
amputees or children with other disabilities.
After the clinic we visited the Inderia Gandhi Children's
Hospital...We visited patients with cancer, orthopedic injuries, malnourished
children and the nursery. Between the two locations, we gave away over
200 bags of toys and candy and we put tons of smiles on the children's
faces. It is truly better to give than to receive? I felt like Santa today....We
are making a difference here, one smile at a time.
I feel, I see the Christ Child Smiling. His Gift to the world of
Love is being given - may we all be part of the delivery process. The
baby is coming......the Baby is coming.......DANGER! BABY ON
Sermon Notes(Not edited nor proofed)The Rev. Dr. Garth R. Thompson Pastor, M.B. Community ChurchA sermon is a simple truth told by someone whobelieves it to people he knows and loves (Phillips Brooks)December 30th, 2007 10:30 a, m. Matthew 2:13-23
May the words of my mouth and the meditations of our heartsbe acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, our strength and our redeemer.
46 We Are Here To Make A Difference
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The Rev. Dr. Garth R. Thompson Pastor, M.B. Community Church. A sermon is a simple truth told by someone whobelieves it to people he knows and loves (Phillips Brooks)December 23, 2007 10:30 a, m. May the words of my mouth and the meditations of our heartsbe acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, our strength and our redeemer.
The Rev. Dr. Garth R. Thompson Pastor, M.B. Community Church. A sermon is a simple truth told by someone whobelieves it to people he knows and loves (Phillips Brooks)December 23, 2007 10:30 a, m. May the words of my mouth and the meditations of our heartsbe acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, our strength and our redeemer.
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