Tuesday, May 22, 2007

How To Subscribe

When you subscribe to our podcast, every time we post a new sermon or musical performance you will be able to see the title in your "aggregator" (like iTunes). You can then elect to download the mp3 file to your computer, which allows you to listen to it at will, send it to a friend, burn it to a CD, or upload it to your mp3 player (like an iPod) so you can listen to it while on the go! This saves you from repeatedly visiting this site to download the file (although you are free to do that, too).

To subscribe, simply click the button in the upper right that says "Subscribe to our free podcast!" If using iTunes, go to "Subscribe to Podcast" under the "Advanced" tab, and enter this URL into the dialog box:


A sermon (or meditation) is a simple truth told by someone who
believes it to people he knows and loves (Phillips Brooks)

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