Saturday, October 20, 2007

25 Jesus - With Me, It's All Or Nothing!

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"Jesus - With Me, It's All Or Nothing!"

Climb Every Mountain! Jesus has given us a very high mountain
to climb - asking us in today's Scripture, Luke 14:25-33, to leave
everything to follow him - loving him more than you love your " father,
mother, wife, children, brothers and sisters - even more than your
own life." "If you come to me, but will not leave your family you
cannot be my follower" or to say it another way, WITH ME IT'S
I thought a little about that when finishing seminary. It wasn't like
I was going back home to Ohio - my first call was in Wisconsin, the
second in San Juan, Puerto Rico and the third in Miami Beach Florida!
My calling would keep me long distances from father, mother, brothers
sisters, nieces, nephews - all. But it was the only way I could do what I
was called to do.
Jesus did not mean that we must all leave our families. He simply
meant that we must give first priority to our spiritual task - to being a
person of Spirit. You are here on this planet to grow your Spirit and to be
a force for the development of the Spirit of Christ in the world. There will
be times when you will be tested as to the kind of person you really are.
In the way of illustration: Consider the man who was guiding two
clients to the top of Mt. Everest. When they were within 1000 feet of the
summit, they came across a climber who the day before had been left for
dead there in the death zone - but who somehow had survived the night
and, though delusional with the cold and altitude, greeted them. He needed
help - persons to take him back down to where he could me "medivacked"
out. The guide felt that was what, as human beings they were called to do.
His clients, each of whom had paid $25,000 dollars for the climb, agreed
to give up their dream of the mountaintop for this necessary humanitarian
It seems to me, in making that decision - they had reached the
mountaintop - that is, THE mountaintop, of God-like, Christ-like action.
The guide was not "a religious man" by his own understanding of that, not
affiliated with any church or synagogue - but connected to the Divine
thread that links humanity with Divinity - connected in his heart to the
Heart of the Universe.
The rescue was successful. The wife and sons of the rescued
man who had been notified of his death, but then, one of his sons, following
the event on the internet saw the latest report that his father had been
found alive and rescued. Their joy was beyond measure. Their rescued
loved one told them that he would be missing parts of some fingers and
toes. They asserted that they would love him just as much without them.
An interesting sidelight to the event was that in addition to the
three that rescued him, two others came by at the same time, and
overhearing them speaking English, indicated they did not speak English,
did not understand what was being said and kept on trekking toward the
summit. Later it was learned that they did speak English - they just didn't
speak "human being" - they didn't speak "Divinity"
The question Jesus has for you today is simple - to you speak
"Divinity" with your life. Ironically, speaking "Divinity" with you life could
me that you answer the call, not to leave your mother or father, but to care
for them, cantankerous and difficult as they may be, or hopefully upbeat
and easy.
Whatever happens in your life where a need that you can meet
presents itself, gives you the opportunity to climb the mountain - or as it
was in the climbers case - to descend the mountain! Where you express
your Divinity is entirely dependent on where you humanity finds you - and
gives you the opportunity to know who you are - if you are the Christ's or
Years ago, when one of our parishioners went blind, she added
me to her bank accounts so that I could pay her bills and take care of any
needs that might arise. When she died, the way the accounts were set up,
I had every legal right to take what was in those accounts - thousands and
thousands of dollars - but that wasn't what she wanted. She wanted those
dollars to go the church and they did. I had no temptation to take them -
I knew who I was and that I was in Christ and Christ was in me. There
was no question.
Jesus wants you to lead a "No question" life. Though it's a simple
ethic, it is well worth the following - to guide your life by the life of Christ.
To follow His way of thinking and doing without question.
How well do we do that? We'd have to ask someone other than
ourselves. As a "Christian nation", we might ask someone from Islam for
example. The fact is that the Muslims who despise us, dislike us not
because we're free, or because we're so very Christian, but because, in
their eyes, we're so awfully godless.. It's because we appear to have
produced a godless, sex-saturated, violent, materialistic society.
We as Christians need to admit that, considering our lamentable
inability to practice the teachings of Jesus, that most Muslims are distinctively
unimpressed with our religion. We invoke God's name as we bomb,
occupy and dominate Islamic countries. We may say "In God We Trust"
on our money, but they suspect that oil, power and wealth are our true
heart's desire.
We're going to have to look a lot more redeemed before they believe in
our Redeemer or before they believe in our belief in our Redeemer!
And what can we think of Islam when Islamic fundamentalists
brought about the horror of 9/11? How religious can that be?
What we need is for the main body of people in each of the major
religions to follow their leaders' true values - the values of love and justice
- the values we have in common.
A young man entered Duke University. He was tall, utterly white,
utterly blonde, and utterly Southern. A few weeks later, the Dean saw him
walking on campus, hand in hand with a young woman who was utterly
short, utterly brown, utterly Muslim, and (God forbid) an Ohioan! The
Dean was on personal terms with the boy's parents and it wasn't long
before his mother called: "Have you met Thomas' girlfriend" she
said. "Talk to him! They're serious!"
So the Dean asked Thomas for a chat. "Thomas," he said,
"Tell me about Maranda." He told him that they were very much in
love, that she was a wonderful person, and that they were planning to be
married right after graduation. The Dean asked, "What brought you
together." Thomas said, "It was because we had so very much in
common!" The Dean replied, "Thomas, you're from South Carolina,
you're blonde, Baptist; She's Muslim, brown and from Ohio. What
in the would could you possibly have in common?"
Thomas said, "Well, you know me. I don't drink on
weekends, don't believe in casual sex. I'm not really into the success
at any cost thing. She was the only girl I met who had the same
values as mine!"
The Scripture today is wonderful because it gives us an opportunity
to check our discipleship quotient by checking our Christian values and
how well we're maintaining them.
The fact that you are here in God's house - that's good - for here
you are reminded of who you are and whose you are. It's good you're in
attendance as this sermon is given - at least I think it is.
In one church not too long ago a man got up in the middle of the
pastor's sermon and walked out. His wife rushed up to the Pastor after
the sermon and said, "Please don't think anything bad about my
husband walking out in the middle of your sermon. It's just that he
often walks in his sleep!"
Maybe that's why Edgar A. Guest wrote
I'd rather see a sermon than hear one any day;
I'd rather one should walk with me than merely tell the way,
The eye's a better pupil and more willing than the ear,
Fine counsel is confusing, but example's always clear
And the best of all the preachers are the men who live their creeds,
For to see good put in action is what everybody needs.
I soon can learn to do it if you'll let me see it done;
I can watch your hands in action, but your tongue too fast may
And the lecture you deliver may be very wise and true;
But I'd rather get my lessons by observing what you do
For I might misunderstand you and the high advice you give,
But there's no misunderstanding how you act and how you live.
When I see a deed of kindness, I am eager to be kind.
When a weaker brother stumbles and a strong man stays behind
Just to see if he can help him, then the wish grows strong in me
To become as big and thoughtful as I know as I know that friend
to be
And all travelers can witness that the best of guides today
Is not the one who tells them, but the one who shows the way.
One good man teaches many, men believe what they behold;
One deed of kindess noticed is worth forty that are told.
Who stands with men of honor learns to hold his honor dear,
For right living speaks a language which to everyone is clear
Though an able speaker charms me with his eloquence, I say,
I'd rather see a sermon than to hear one, any day.
Lots of people who technically aren't preachers, including you
can be preachers. "A preacher is a person who finds the switches
that turn on the best inside of us."
H.Stephen Glenn points out his fifth grade teacher as one of them.
In the days before it was understood, she found ways to deal with hi
dyslexia that had kept him from progressing previously. She got him out
of the stuttering problem that his previous nervous and stressful years in
school had caused. When he went into sixth grade, Miss Hardy became
the teach of that class as well, much to his delight. He kept track of her for
many years thereafter and ultimately learned that she was terminal with
cancer. As her only "special student", he decided to travel the thousand
miles to express his appreciation. But he wasn't the only one who made
the pilgrimage to renew their association and share their appreciation of
her - there were hundreds - an interesting mix of people - 3 U.S. Senators,
12 State Legislators, and a number of CEO's os corporations and business
to name a few.
In comparing notes with them, Stephen figured that three fourths
of them "went into the fifth grade quite intimidated by the
educational process, believing we were incapable, insignificant and
at the mercy of fate or luck. We emerged from our contact with
Miss Hardy believing we were capable, significant, influential
people who had the capacity to make a difference in life if we would
try. "
One life made such a difference in so many lives - as can yours -
particularly if it is guided by the principles and teachings of Jesus and your
priorities are in order, remembering the essence of what Jesus told us in
today's Scripture "With Me, It's All or Nothing!"

Sermon Notes(Not edited nor proofed)The Rev. Dr. Garth R. Thompson Pastor, M.B. Community ChurchA sermon is a simple truth told by someone whobelieves it to people he knows and loves (Phillips Brooks)September 9 2007 10:30 a, m. Luke 14:25-33
May the words of my mouth and the meditations of our heartsbe acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, our strength and our redeemer.

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